Chinese CLOTE Program Overview
The Chinese Community Language other than English (CLOTE) programme focuses on using authentic language indicated in NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum and delivered through topic-based programme. The following is the scope and sequence for each stage.
Early stage 1
By the end of Early Stage 1 students interact in Chinese with their peers and teacher through action-related talk and play-based activities.
Stage 1
By the end of Stage 1, students interact in Chinese with their peers and teacher to exchange greetings and simple information.
Stage 2
By the end of Stage 2, students interact with others in Chinese to share information and participate in guided classroom activities that involve following instruction and collaborating with peers.
Stage 3
By the end of Stage 3, students interact with others in Chinese to exchange information and opinions. They engage in classroom activities and collaborate with peers to plan a group activity or share event.
Korean CLOTE Program Overview
The Korean program focuses on authentic Korean as indicated in the new Korean Syllabus. It will be delivered through interesting and relevant topics to the students’ everyday life. The Korean program is designed to provide the students with educational opportunity to learn linguistic and cultural understanding of the Korean language and Korea. Students will be experiencing diverse and interesting activities for each topic for the improvement of their literacy skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The students’ progress will be closely monitored and recorded through various formative and summative assessments.
Early Stage 1
By the end of Early Stage 1 students identify key words and specific information in simple spoken and visual texts and share information. Students compose simple spoken and visual texts. They also describe aspects of self and their family background, and their own prior learning and/or experience of Korean.
- Term 1 & 2 - School life + Korean consonants
- Term 3 - Body Parts + Korean vowels
- Term 4- My family + Korean vowels
Stage 1
By the end of Stage 1 students locate and organise key points of information from simple spoken, written, digital and visual texts by using modelled sentence structures in Korean. They compose simple texts, using modelled language and illustrations to support meaning.
- Term 1 - Food, bibimbap & 5 food groups
- Term 2 - My town/suburb
- Term 3 - My place
- Term 4 - Korean calendar & telling the time
Stage 2
By the end of Stage 2 students interact with others in Korean to share information, experiences and feelings, and participate in tasks and activities that involve collaborative planning and simple transactions. Students locate and organise information from spoken, written, digital and visual texts, and respond to texts using the modelled language in Korean, in spoken, written and digital modes. They compose texts using formulaic expressions, modelled language and visual supports.
- Term 1 - Weather & its impact on our lives
- Term 2 - Weather forecast
- Term 3 - Writing a letter & history of Korean characters, Hangul
- Term 4 - Table manners of Korea & Australia
Stage 3
By the end of Stage 3 students initiate interactions in Korean with others to exchange information, ideas and opinions, and collaborate with peers to make choices and arrangements, organise events and complete transactions. They locate and classify information from a range of written, spoken and digital texts, and respond to texts in Korean or English, using a range of formats for different audiences. They compose informative and imaginative texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
- Term 1 - Cultural Diversity
- Term 2 - Cultural differences between Korea & Australia
- Term 3 - Korean rhymes & travelling
- Term 4 - Writing travel advertisements & a recount on a travel experience