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Harcourt Public School

A school of excellence in multi-cultural education.

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Schools Mobile Phone Survey

Review into the non-educational use of mobile devices in NSW schools

The NSW Minister for Education has launched a review into the risks and benefits associated with the use of mobile digital devices, primarily smartphones, in NSW schools. The review will examine the policies, practices and views of both government and non-government schools in NSW, including schools for specific purposes and central schools.

Submissions will be accepted up to 19 October 2018.


The review will result in findings that may be made publicly available via a written report and/or via other presentation. Survey responses will inform the findings in this report and any presentations. They will be read and considered by the team conducting the review. Survey responses may also inform future work and programs initiated by the NSW Department of Education.

All survey responses are anonymous. No comments made in response to the survey can be linked to any individual or organisation. Comments may be quoted, referred to or used to develop a case study in the written report and/or any presentation. As such, any comments you make may become publicly available (but none can be attributed to you or any individual or organisation). 

Please contact review-mobiledevices@det.nsw.edu.au or call (02) 9244 5326 if you require assistance to complete a survey or would like to make a submission in another way.